Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Eat-Clean Diet and a Revelation

Yesterday I went to the bookstore. I had five minutes to find the book I wanted and check out, or I would be late picking up Logan from school. I ran in and because I tend to go overboard, I bought four books; all of them by Tosca Reno.

Now, you may be asking "Alyson, I thought you were a Body-For-Lifer?" but I have recently come to the following conclusion: Body For Life gives too much leniency. It substitutes margarine for butter, and other things that I am ready to take out of my diet (pudding, bread). I have done research on this subject, and realized that I want to be a clean eater. A clean eater is someone who still eats lean meat, but there is absolutely NO processed foods involved. AWESOME! I am no vegan.

Now for the revelation. In the past I have let myself believe that I only would have to eat this way and exercise for 12 weeks, at which point I would go into maintenance mode/aka: not exercising and cheating all I wanted.

Whoah! It hit me that I should probably just make a life-style change and incorporate all this stuff into my normal daily routines. Duh! I have to ask myself why would I want to go to all that work, only to let myself get out of shape all over again. The point is to get healthy and STAY healthy! Why would I want to buy all new clothes (Come on size 4!) only to grow out of them in six months. HAHA! Okay, I really see my silliness now.

And the books? AWESOME! I am so overly motivated right now!


1 comment:

Jenn said...

That is awesome! I may have to go to the library anyway today instead of waiting for the holds to come in. :)

You go girl! :)