Friday, October 21, 2011


I heart possibilities. This week I told my husband that I wanted to give him my weight loss as my Christmas present to him. I thought he'd roll his eyes or say "no way, I have something else I really want", but he agreed. Okay I'll be honest, first I told him the only thing I want this year for Christmas was for him to reach his goal weight. I just thought that it would be really motivating for him, plus I figured the fact that I would get really close to, if not reach, my goal weight would be an awesome Christmas present for him. His eyes lit up and he got all excited for a minute, then he reached over and put his arms around me and said, "Wow! Yeah, that would be great!" I'm not sure, but he could be more excited for how I will look than for my health, but whatever. :) I am excited for both, so I can't be too hard on him.

The humor:
I am really great at coming up with motivational ideas for weight loss. It's just the following through that gets to me. It's kind of funny if you think about it.

Once I recorded workouts on a calendar and paid myself a dollar a day to work out. Every day I worked out I earned a dollar, but if I missed a day then I lost all the money I had made to that point. I could only get paid for it every 3 months. Genius huh?! Until we didn't have any extra money to "pay me" and then I lost my motivation. I worked out I think over 100 days in a row. Pretty awesome huh? I was excited that I had been so consistent and besides that I felt great!

The reality:Working out gives you such a great feeling of euphoria though. But as a mom of 5 sometimes the confusion and business of the day gets to me and I just don't make time to exercise. My husband has even told me to go to the gym after we get the kids in bed and I have once or twice. But by the time I get home it's time to go to bed and I'm extra tired and don't have a lot of time for my husband. And then I'm up later than I would be if I hadn't gone to the gym and yet I still have to get all the kids up at 6:00. And then I think: is it worth it? And my tired body wins out. Why? I know it's worth it, I need to just get to the gym anyway, or even go for a walk around the neighborhood, or do p90x. There are no excuses!

And yet it seems I have lots of them. Does that mean I am the Queen of Excuses? Yes! Finally I am the official Queen of something. haha

So though it's late at night I promise that tomorrow I will not have any excuses to not workout. I will just go do it and then I will check in here. See you tomorrow! Can't wait!


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